Original Work | 120x120 cm | Acrylic on Canvas | 2024
From the series: Entrepreneurial Spirit
Throughout our lives, both professionally and personally, we constantly move within our own bubble—a space that may seem accidental but is, in reality, one we create for ourselves.
Our bubble is a comfort zone—it protects, supports, and connects us. Within it, we navigate through tight and expansive networks, exchanging ideas and perspectives. We encounter diverse personalities, engage in discussions, and sometimes disagree. Yet, we remain surrounded by like-minded people, sharing common values even when we are not the same.
I have always nurtured and enjoyed my own wide-reaching bubble. It’s comfortable, and help is just a phone call away. But why not step out, take a risk, and explore the unknown?
Perhaps we’ll always find ourselves in a new bubble, but it’s that moment in between—the space where we leave one bubble before entering the next—that holds the most excitement, uncertainty, and potential for growth.
Let’s gooooo! And sometimes, two small bubbles merge into one big new bubble—expanding our world in ways we never expected.